Quick Start Guide

Document built:


  • Java 8 or newer

  • LLVM/Clang 15 or newer

  • sbt

Project Structure Overview

See build

Project suffix

Most projects in ScalaNative cross-build against Scala 2.12, 2.13 and 3, and these projects have a suffix like 2_12, 2_13 or 3 to differentiate the Scala version. For example, sandbox has sandbox2_12, sandbox2_13 and sandbox3.

In the following we will use suffix 3, but remember that you can build and test for different versions using different suffixes.

Build / Manual Testing on Sandbox

sandbox3/run to compile, link and run the main method of the sandbox project defined in sandbox/src/main/scala/Test.scala.

It’s convenient to run the sandbox project to verify the build works as expected.


Common Test Commands

  • tests3/test - run the unit tests for libraries on native build

  • tests3/testOnly org.scalanative.testsuite.javalib.util.RandomTest - run only the test of interest

  • tests3/testOnly *.RandomTest - run only the test of interest using wildcard

  • testsExt3/test - run the unit tests on native build, this module contains tests that requires dummy javalib implementation defined in javalibExtDummies.

  • nirJVM3/test - run the unit tests for NIR

  • toolsJVM3/test - run the unit tests of the tools: ScalaNative backend

  • sbtScalaNative/scripted - run all scripted tests of the sbt plugin (this takes a while).

`sbtScalaNative/scripted <test directory to run>` - run specific scripted tests of the sbt plugin. e.g. `sbtScalaNative/scripted run/backtrace`

:   -   Scripted tests are used when you need to interact with the
        file system, networking, or the build system that cannot be
        done with a unit test.
    -   `set ThisBuild / scriptedBufferLog := false` disables buffer
        log in scripted test and get more verbose output

Other Test Commands

  • testsJVM3/test - run tests3/test on JVM

  • testsExtJVM3/test - run testsExt3/test on JVM

  • test-all - run all tests, ideally after reload and clean

Some additional tips

  • If you modify the nscplugin, you will need to clean the project that you want to rebuild with its new version (typically sandbox/clean or tests/clean). For a full rebuild, use the global clean command.

  • If you modify the sbt plugin or any of its transitive dependencies (sbt-scala-native, nir, util, tools, test-runner), you will need to reload for your changes to take effect with most test commands (except with the scripted tests).

  • For a completely clean build, from scratch, run reload and clean.


  • ./scripts/scalafmt - format all Scala codes

  • ./scripts/clangfmt - format all C/C++ codes

Publish Locally

publish-local-dev x.y.z publishes the ScalaNative artifact and sbt plugin for specified scala version locally. For example, publish-local-dev 3.3.1,

You will see, the log message like the following, which means you have successfully published locally for the version 0.5.0-SNAPSHOT.

[info]  published tools_native0.5.0-SNAPSHOT_3 to ...
[info]  published ivy to ...tools_native0.5.0-SNAPSHOT_3/0.5.0-SNAPSHOT/ivys/ivy.xml

Then you’ll be able to use locally published version in other projects.

# project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("org.scala-native" % "sbt-scala-native" % "0.5.0-SNAPSHOT")

# build.sbt
scalaVersion := "3.3.1" # set to locally published version

Locally build docs

  1. First time building the docs. This command will setup & build the docs.

$ bash scripts/makedocs setup
  1. If setup is already done. This command will only build the docs assuming setup is already done.

$ bash scripts/makedocs
  1. Navigate to docs/_build/html directory and open index.html file in your browser.

Configure Native Build

To configure the native build in this project, you can edit project/MyScalaNativePlugin.scala instead of project/Build.scala.

MyScalaNativePlugin is a custom sbt plugin that extends ScalaNativePlugin and overrides some of its settings for this project.

Further Information

  • How to make a commit and PR contributing{.interpreted-text role=”ref”}

  • More detailed build setting explanation build{.interpreted-text role=”ref”}

Scala Native Internal