IDE setup


Metals import should work out of the box for most of the modules, it’s the recommended IDE. To speed up indexing and prevent Bloop-related issues by default we export only 1 version of MultiScalaProject, otherwise it would need to cross-compile sources for all binary Scala versions on each source-change. By default IDE would target Scala 3 projects, to change this behavior modify project/MyScalaNativePlugin.scala and modify ideScalaVersion. This change would be only required when developing Scala 2 compiler plugins, sbt plugins or Scala 2 specific sources.

IntelliJ IDEA

  • Select “Create project from existing sources” and choose the build.sbt file. When prompted, select “Open as project”. Make sure you select the “Use sbt shell” for both import and build.

  • When the import is complete, we need to fix some module dependencies:

    • scalalib: Right-click on the module, “Mark directory as” -> “Excluded”. This is needed because scalalib is only meant to be used at runtime (it is the Scala library that the executables link against). Not excluding it makes IDEA think that the Scala library comes from it, which results into highlighting errors.

    • nscplugin: We need to add what SBT calls unmanagedSourceDirectories as dependencies. Go go Project Structure -> Modules -> nscplugin -> Dependencies and click the + icon. Select “JARs or Directories” and navigate to the nir directory at the root of the Scala Native project. Repeat for the util directory.

    • native-build: We need to add the sbt-scala-native module as a dependency. Go go Project Structure -> Modules -> native-build -> Dependencies and click the + icon. Select “Module Dependency” and select the sbt-scala-native module.

The above is not an exhaustive list, but it is the bare minimum to have the build working. Please keep in mind that you will have to repeat the above steps, in case you reload (re-import) the SBT build. This will need to happen if you change some SBT-related file (e.g. build.sbt).

Setup for clangd

clangd is a Language Server Protocol (LSP) for C and C++. Your IDE of choice can connect to clangd to help development using C and C++.

  • VSCode: Add the clangd extension from LLVM. Full documentation for clangd is here. You can also add the C/C++ extensions from Microsoft if desired for highlighting and other features.

A compile_flags.txt is needed to get the best setup to work on nativelib and the Garbage Collectors. Since we use conditional compilation for garbage collection selection and the code is in a gc directory we need an include for the header relative paths and defines for the different garbage collectors we have in the project. clangd works well as a default but only has defines for your platform and can only work out of the box for certain simple setups which is probably fine for most other projects. The following is an example file that should be put in the nativelib/src/main/resources/scala-native directory. Change the first include path for your platform.

# GC setup
# Boehm header include path on mac arm
# GC include path to allow relative paths from gc as the root path
# Defines for the garbage collectors which are used for GC selection
# Other defines to allow analysis of code
# end GC