Java Standard Library

Scala Native includes a subset of the JDK core libraries reimplemented in Scala.

Third-party libraries, like scala-java-time and scala-java-locales, provide more complete implementations for some JDK packages.

Included JDK Implementation

For list of currently supported Java Standard Library types and methods refer to scaladoc package or consult javalib sources for details.


scala-java-time provides a native, JVM and JS implementation of the java.time packages

sjavatime provides a native and JS implementation of the java.time API. While not yet as full features as scala-java-time this is useful if a minimal implementation is required.

The full timezone database required for java.time can be too large for some applications. The sbt-tzdb sbt plugin can build a custom version of tzdb, which has the minimal data your application needs; reducing the size of the application.


scala-java-locales provides a native, JVM and JS implementation of java.util.Locale

Regular expressions (java.util.regex)

Scala Native implements java.util.regex-compatible API using Google’s RE2 library. RE2 is not a drop-in replacement for java.util.regex but handles most common cases well.

Some notes on the implementation:

  1. The included RE2 implements a Unicode version lower than the version used in the Scala Native Character class (>= 7.0.0). The RE2 Unicode version is in the 6.n range. For reference, Java 8 released with Unicode 6.2.0.

    The RE2 implemented may not match codepoints added or changed in later Unicode versions. Similarly, there may be slight differences for Unicode codepoints with high numeric value between values used by RE2 and those used by the Character class.

  2. This implementation of RE2 does not support:

    • Character classes:

      • Unions: [a-d[m-p]]

      • Intersections: [a-z&&[^aeiou]]

    • Predefined character classes: \h, \H, \v, \V

    • Patterns:

      • Octal: \0100 - use decimal or hexadecimal instead.

      • Two character Hexadecimal: \xFF - use \x00FF instead.

      • All alphabetic Unicode: \uBEEF - use hex \xBEEF instead.

      • Escape: \e - use \u001B instead.

    • Java character function classes:

      • \p{javaLowerCase}

      • \p{javaUpperCase}

      • \p{javaWhitespace}

      • \p{javaMirrored}

    • Boundary matchers: \G, \R, \Z

    • Possessive quantifiers: X?+, X*+, X++, X{n}+, X{n,}+, X{n,m}+

    • Lookaheads: (?=X), (?!X), (?<=X), (?<!X), (?>X)

    • Options

      • CANON_EQ

      • COMMENTS

      • LITERAL



      • UNIX_LINES

    • Patterns to match a Unicode binary property, such as \p{isAlphabetic} for a codepoint with the ‘alphabetic’ property, are not supported. Often another pattern \p{isAlpha} may be used instead, \p{isAlpha} in this case.

  3. The reference Java 8 regex package does not support certain commonly used Perl expressions supported by this implementation of RE2. For example, for named capture groups Java uses the expression (?<foo>) while Perl uses the expression (?P<foo>).

    Scala Native java.util.regex methods accept both forms. This extension is intended to useful but is not strictly Java 8 compliant. Not all RE2 Perl expressions may be exposed in this way.

  4. The following Matcher methods have a minimal implementation:

    • Matcher.hasAnchoringBounds() - always return true.

    • Matcher.hasTransparentBounds() - always throws UnsupportedOperationException because RE2 does not support lookaheads.

    • Matcher.hitEnd() - always throws UnsupportedOperationException.

    • Matcher.region(int, int)

    • Matcher.regionEnd()

    • Matcher.regionStart()

    • Matcher.requireEnd() - always throws UnsupportedOperationException.

    • Matcher.useAnchoringBounds(boolean) - always throws UnsupportedOperationException

    • Matcher.useTransparentBounds(boolean) - always throws UnsupportedOperationException because RE2 does not support lookaheads.

  5. Scala Native 0.3.8 required POSIX patterns to have the form [[:alpha:]]. Now the Java standard form \p{Alpha} is accepted and the former variant pattern is not. This improves compatibility with Java but, regrettably, may require code changes when upgrading from Scala Native 0.3.8.

Embedding Resources

In Scala Native, resources are implemented via embedding a resource in a resulting binary file. Only getClass().getResourceAsInputStream() is implemented. For that to work, you have to specify an additional NativeConfig option:

nativeConfig ~= {

This will include the resource files found on the classpath in the resulting binary file.

Also, you can specify which resources would be embedded in an executable using include or exclude glob pattern. By default, scala-native will include all the files in the classpath, and exclude none (there’re some exceptions for files such as .class, see below). By specifying the include patterns, only the files matching the include patterns will be included. This can be useful for reducing the size of your executables.

The example below will include all the text and png files in the classpath, while excluding the rootdoc.txt file.

nativeConfig ~= {
    .withResourceIncludePatterns(Seq("**.txt", "**.png"))

Also, note that this featuer is using Java’s PathMatcher, which behave a bit different from the posix glob.

Please note that files with following extensions cannot be embedded and used as a resource:

".class", ".tasty", ".nir", ".scala", ".java", ".jar"

This is to avoid unnecesarily embedding source files. If necessary, please consider using a different file extension for embedding. Files found in the resources/scala-native directory will not be embedded as well. It is recommended to add the “.c” and “.h” files there.

Reasoning for the lack of getResource() and getResources():

In Scala Native, the outputted file that can be run is a binary, unlike JVM’s classfiles and jars. For that reason, if getResources() URI methods would be implemented, a new URI format using a seperate FileSystem would have to be added (e.g. instead of obtaining jar:file:path.ext you would obtain embedded:path.ext). As this still would provide a meaningful inconsistency between JVM’s javalib API and Scala Native’s reimplementation, this remains not implemented for now. The added getClass().getResourceAsInputStream() however is able to be consistent between the platforms.

Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Networking

IPv6 provides network features which are more efficient and gradually replacing its worthy, but venerable, predecessor IPv4.

The Scala Native Java library now supports IPv6 as it is described in the original Java Networking IPv6 User Guide. The design center is that a Scala Java Virtual Machine (JVM) program using networking will run almost identically using Scala Native.

IPv6 will be used if any network interface on a system/node/host, other than the loopback interface, is configured to enable IPv6. Otherwise, IPv4 is used as before. Java has been using this approach for decades.

Most people will not be able to determine if IPv6 or IPv4 is in use. Networks experts will, by using specialist tools.

Scala Native checks and honors the two System Properties described in the ipv6_guide above: and This check is done once, when the network is first used.

  • If there is ever a reason to use only IPv4, a program can set the to true at runtime before the first use of the network. There is no way to accomplish this from the command line or environment.:

    System.setProperty("", "true")

Support for discovering service providers

Scala Native implements partial support for using the Java service providers pattern. This includes using java.util.ServiceLoader to load available implementations of a given interface.

Step 1: Configure META-INF/services

Similarly to the JVM toolchain, the Scala Native toolchain will try to discover implementations of services using META-INF/services/<fully-qualified-class-name> files found in resources of dependencies.

The example in “Step 2” below provides a custom java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider implementation called my.lib.MyCustomFileSystem.

To use the custom implementation, the project’s <projectRoot>/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/ directory must contain a file called java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider.

That file contains the line: my.lib.MyCustomFileSystem

Step 2: Configure Scala Native

Scala Native uses an ahead of time compilation model and requires additional configuration. This allows loading only implementations requested in the provided configuration.

A snippet to configure one local implementation for “java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider” and two for “MyServiceName” looks like:

/* The project defines a Map in a .sbt or .scala file. The Map
 * is then used to configure the available providers.
 * The entries of this map have the general form:
 *  "<ServiceName>" -> Seq("<ServiceProviderClassName>")
 * If additional implementations are to be defined, this becomes:
 *  "<ServiceName>" -> Seq("<ServiceProviderClassName_1>",
 *                         "<ServiceProviderClassName_2>")
 * The first entry below is a better model than the second.
 * The names in the second entry are simplified for demonstration.
 * More fully qualified names would be used in real world code.

nativeConfig ~= { _.withServiceProviders(
    "java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider" -> Seq(
    "MyServiceName" -> Seq(

When linking the project, all providers of service referenced by java.util.ServiceLoader.load that were reached from any entrypoint will be enlisted.

These providers will report one of the five status values:

  • Loaded - this provider was allowed by the config and found on the classpath. It would be available at runtime.

  • Available - this provider was found on classpath, but it was not enlisted in the config. It would not be available at runtime.

  • UnknownConfigEntry - provider enlisted in config was not found on classpath. It might suggest typo in configuration or in META-INF/servies file.

  • NotFoundOnClasspath - given provider was found both in config and in META-INF/services file, but it was not found on classpath. It might suggest that given provider was not cross-compiled for Scala Native.

  • NoProviders - status assigned for services without any available implementations found on classpath and without config entries

Continue to libc.