0.4.16 (2023-10-13)

We’re happy to announce the release of Scala Native. Scala Native 0.4.16 is yet another maintenance release backporting changed from the 0.5.0-SNAPSHOT branch. This version introduces support for using Scala Native with JDK 21 and introduces bug fixes to the runtime. It also fixes severe performance problems when using java.nio.MappedByteBuffers.

Scala standard library used by this release is based on the following versions:

Scala binary version Scala release
2.12 2.12.18
2.13 2.13.12
3 3.3.0
Commits since last release 40
Merged PRs 23
Contributors 10


Big thanks to everybody who contributed to this release or reported an issue!

$ git shortlog -sn --no-merges v0.4.15..v0.4.16
    20	Wojciech Mazur
     5	LeeTibbert
     4	Rikito Taniguchi
     3	He-Pin
     2	Anton Sviridov
     2	kerr
     1	Eric K Richardson
     1	Jonas Spenger
     1	Lorenzo Gabriele
     1	Natsu Kagami

Merged PRs

v0.4.16 (2023-10-13)

Full Changelog

Merged pull requests:

Java Standard Library

Scala Native Runtime Library

  • Faster scala.scalanative.unsafe.Ptr.{apply, update} by skipping unnecessary GC allocations #3522 (WojciechMazur)

Scala Native Toolchain

  • Allow to build Scala Native on JDK 21 #3492 (WojciechMazur)

  • Attempt to use ar command for static libraries when possible #3548 (keynmol)

  • Pass -soname and -install_name flags when linking dynamic library #3548 (keynmol)
