0.4.12 (2023-03-22)¶
We’re happy to announce the release of Scala Native. It’s the next maintenance release for Scala Native 0.4.x. This release fixes regressions introduced in the previous version and adds some requested features.
The Scala standard library used by this release is based on the following versions:
Scala binary version | Scala release |
2.12 | 2.12.17 |
2.13 | 2.13.10 |
3 | 3.2.2 |
Commits since last release | 10 |
Merged PRs | 8 |
Contributors | 3 |
Notable changes¶
Composable extern definitions using @extern trait
Extern definitions can now be composed using traits annotated as @extern
. Extern objects can now be composed using multiple extern traits allowing for better modeling of foreign APIs.
A good candidate for modeling C bindings with this approach can be errno.h
from C standard library and its POSIX extension.
It can now be modeled as following
import scala.scalanative.unsafe.*
@extern trait errnoC {
var errno: CInt = extern
def EILSEQ: CInt = extern
@extern trait errnoPosix extends errnoC {
def EWOULDBLOCK: CInt = extern
def EINPROGRESS: CInt = extern
def EINTR: CInt = extern
@extern object errno extends errnoC with errnoPosix
The current bindings of POSIX and C standard library are not affected by this change, however, new model would be used in Scala Native 0.5.x
Big thanks to everybody who contributed to this release or reported an issue!
$ git shortlog -sn --no-merges v0.4.11..v0.4.12
8 Wojciech Mazur
1 Eric K Richardson
1 LeeTibbert
Merged PRs¶
Merged pull requests:
POSIX bindings¶
Implement posixlib dlfcn #3234 (LeeTibbert)
Compiler plugin¶
Improve resolving repeated parameters in Scala3 extern methods #3230 (WojciechMazur)
Fix exports of extern methods using variadic arguments in Scala3 #3232 (WojciechMazur)
Allow to compose extern definitions using
@extern trait
#2988 (WojciechMazur)
Fix regression in handling opaque pointers on Windows #3226 (WojciechMazur)